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    More about our network


    A nationwide network


    In Extenso Avocats brings together a team of legal experts who share the same values, helping companies (VSEs, SMEs, ETIs and major groups), associations, foundations, the professions, public authorities and, more generally, all decision-makers to secure, manage and optimize their business. Our lawyers also intervene in the event of litigation to defend their clients' interests before the relevant courts and tribunals. In Extenso Avocats is a consulting subsidiary of the In Extenso group, France's leading chartered accountant for VSEs and SMEs. It is an interprofessional network of business law firms, combining legal and accounting professionals to provide 360° support for companies and individuals.

    Multi-disciplinary, In Extenso Avocats helps its customers in all sectors of activity in a wide range of legal fields, including business law, commercial law, tax law, labor and social security law, real estate and construction law, town and country planning law, environmental law, public law, intellectual property law, including certified expertise in RGPD, family and property law, and international law. Our lawyers are also recognized experts in specific business sectors, such as the hotel and catering industry, the retail sector and the construction industry.

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