Law firm in Hyères
The law firm of Hyères has 17 lawyers and legal professionals who are also involved in the firm of Toulon, throughout the PACA region and on the national territory.
Reporting to Toulon Law Firm and led by Gaëlle Rolland de Rengervé for over 20 years, the firm supports its clients on all their legal issues, whether in real estate law, private law, public law (procurement and public contracts, general administrative law, electoral law, public service), commercial law, corporate law, intellectual property law, tax law or environmental law.
A specificity: the wine sector
Passionate about the world of wine and its various stakeholders, Gaëlle Rolland de Rengervé holds the Wine, Culture and Tourism degree from the University of Dijon. This expertise allows it to support professionals in the wine sector as closely as possible to their activity. She works in particular in the field of counterfeits, legal protection of namess and support in the obtaining the AOC quality label (assistance in the development of specifications).